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International Scientific Conference

September 18th -21th 2018

Bucharest, Romania

  „Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World” -  INCDS „Marin Dracea”


85 Years of Activity


Centenary of The Great Union in 1918


September 18-21, 2018


Bucharest, Romania




The International Scientific Conference „Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World” - INCDS „Marin Drăcea” 85 Years of Activity, Centenary of The Great Union in 1918” is an open scientific event dedicated to the anniversary of 85 years of activity in forestry research of the National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry „Marin Drăcea”.

In 2018 this great anniversary event coincides with the celebration of 100 years since the Great Union of the Romanian historical provinces.

The conference is focused on forest research, with a large range of topics, including: the impacts of air pollution, climate change, biotic and abiotic stressors on forest resources status, adaptive management, modelling and mapping of forest ecosystems and their services, genetics, protected areas, ecological connectivity, new Earth-Observation technologies applied in forestry.




   1. increase the visibility of forest sciences in the global change research policy;

   2. develop a link between forest sciences and practices in a changing environment and society;

   3. monitor forest health, resources and ecosystem services for a sustainable adaptive management in the context of climate change, atmospheric pollution and other biotic and abiotic stressors;

   4. promote new management concepts, methods and techniques for nature and forest genetic resources conservation.




  1. Forest health and climate change impact on forest ecosystems.

  2. Forest resources and ecosystems services: modelling and mapping.

  3. Nature conservation and forest protected areas in a changing environment and society.

  4. Tree breeding and genetic resources for an adaptive forest management to the climate change.

  5. Forest pests, diseases and their ecological and socio-economic consequences.

  6. Bridging science and decision-making for monitoring ozone harm to forests.

  7. Earth-Observation for forest monitoring and forecasting.

With the support of:

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Contact persons:

                      Ecaterina APOSTOL                                                 Ionuț PASCU

                                   +40 721 818 827                                                  +40 726 332 258                                                             

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