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Abstract submission: 30th April, 2018

By 15th June 2018, we will send out the notice of acceptance (oral or poster) for each abstract.

Early registration: 30th June 2018

Late registration: 10th August 2018


Abstract submission


The abstract template can be found here

Each corresponding author is allowed to submit maximum two abstracts.

A person may be a co-author to several abstracts.

Please send the abstract by e-mail to


Guidelines for authors


Oral presentation guidelines

Poster presentation guidelines


Registration – please register here 



Registration fee (EUR)








Registration fee includes lunches and coffee breaks, conference facilities, registration kit, conference dinner and the excursion.

A fee of 35 euros will be charged for each accompanying person at the Conference dinner.

The payment must be made by bank transfer, Euros only.  Please send the payment confirmation by e-mail to


International Bank details:

Bank Name: BRD Voluntari 

Bank address: Bulevardul Eroilor nr. 77, Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania

Account holder: Institutul NaÅ£ional de Cercetare Dezvoltare în Silvicultură “Marin Drăcea”

IBAN code: RO20 BRDE 426S V569 2224 4450


Reference: INCDS_85_Name_Surname



With the occasion of the International Scientific Conference, the presentations within the Sessions (plenary and thematic) could be submitted for publication, as follows:


  • Virtual Special Issue (VSI) in Science of the Total Environment (IF2017 = 4.610)

Submision opening – 15th of November

Submision deadline – 15th of May

For submission please use the VSI code:




  • Special Issue in Annals of Forest Research (IF2017 = 1.320)

Submision opening – 1st of November

Submision deadline – 30th of November



  • Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference „Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World” -  INCDS „Marin Drăcea” 85 Years of Activity, Centenary of The Great Union in 1918”, Silvica Publishing House

Submision opening – 15th of November

Submision deadline – 15th of December


  • Silvologie– Romanian Academy Publishing House

Submision opening – 15th of November

Submision deadline – 31st of January



  • Revista de Silvicultura È™i Cinegetică (EBSCO, CABI) – Silvica Publishing House

Submision opening – 15th of November

Submision deadline – 31st of January



  • Book of abstracts – On the website of the conference and on the sticks from your Conference bag


Each submission must be arranged using the Guidelines for authors, according to each publication.


Before submission opening data, of each journal, we will send you an e-mail with supplementary information.


With the support of:

For further enquiries, please contact us at


Contact persons:

                      Ecaterina APOSTOL                                                 IonuÈ› PASCU

                                   +40 721 818 827                                                  +40 726 332 258                                                             

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